Content Information preservation
The repository shall preserve the Content Information of AIPs.
This is necessary because it is the fundamental mission of a repository to preserve the Content Information for its Designated Communities.
Preservation workflow procedure documentation; workflow procedure documentation; Preservation Policy documents specifying treatment of AIPs and under what circumstances they may ever be deleted; ability to demonstrate the sequence of conversions for an AIP for any particular digital object or group of objects ingested; documentation linking ingested objects and the current AIPs.
The repository should be able to demonstrate that the AIPs faithfully reflect the information that was captured during ingest and that any subsequent or future planned transformations will continue to preserve all the required Information Properties of the Content Information. One approach to this requirement assumes that the repository has a policy specifying that AIPs cannot be deleted at any time. This particularly simple and robust implementation preserves links between what was originally ingested, as well as new versions that have been transformed or changed in any way. Depending upon implementation, these newer objects may be completely new AIPs or merely updated AIPs. Either way, persistent links between the ingested object and the resulting AIP should be maintained.
The Definition of AIP section describes how APTrust preserves and maintains the integrity of the Content Information as well as relevant metadata and Preservation Description Information.
The Deletion section provides information about content deletion procedures available to institutional administrators. While a deletion ultimately results in the deletion of relevant files from preservation storage, the metadata record is retained in the system and an appropriate PREMIS event is added to any deleted object for auditing and tracking.
Currently, APTrust does not version bags. The Updates section describes how multiple versions of a bag are handled.