Mechanisms for creating, identifying or gathering any extra Representation Information required
The repository shall have mechanisms for creating, identifying or gathering any extra Representation Information required.
This is necessary in order to ensure that the preserved information remains understandable and usable by the Designated Community.
Subscription to a format registry service; subscription to a technology watch service; preservation plans.
The repository should have mechanisms in place for monitoring and notification when Representation Information (including formats) approaches obsolescence or is no longer viable, and it should be able to show that it has mechanisms to address such notifications.
APTrust’s current strategy for preserving content is governed by Preservation Services Policy stipulating that APTrust commits to preserving and maintaining the integrity of the original bits with no changes to the individual files. APTrust constantly updates its environment, and new services may be added based on Designated Community input and requests.
For technical documentation, see Preservation and Storage.