4.4.2 AIP storage and preservation records
The repository shall have contemporaneous records of actions and administration processes that are relevant to storage and preservation of the AIPs.
This is necessary in order to ensure documentation is not omitted or erroneous or of questionable authenticity.
Written documentation of decisions and/or action taken; preservation metadata logged, stored, and linked to pertinent digital objects.
The records may be automated or may be written by individuals, depending on the nature of the actions described. Where community or international standards are used, the repository must demonstrate that all relevant actions are appropriately performed.
APTrust uses a subset of fields from the PREMIS metadata schema to record and report event metadata. The Event Resource provides information about PREMIS Events (data structure and examples) that are used to record the event actions and outcomes covered by the auditing requirements.
Ongoing Fixity Checks describes our process for calculating and reporting fixity, and our methods for alerting depositors about failed fixity checks.