The repository shall have identified and established the duties that it needs to perform and shall have appointed staff with adequate skills and experience to fulfill these duties.

See Sections, and

Staffing of the repository should be by personnel with the required training and skills to carry out the activities of the repository. The repository should be able to document through development plans, organizational charts, job descriptions, and related policies and procedures that the repository is defining and maintaining the skills and roles that are required for the sustained operation of the repository.

The evidence for this section as well as, and can be found below.

The technical team for APTrust is as follows:

  • Lead developer and Technical Architect 1 FTE
  • DevOps and Security Lead Engineer 1 FTE

The work of this team is guided by the Executive Director of APTrust. The Executive Director’s duties are outlined in Article VIII of the Governance Manual, including evaluating staff effectiveness and suitability to support its functions and services. Given our current mission, we have appropriate staffing.  If there are tasks that go beyond the current activities, we have money set aside to hire contractors to perform work outside the scope of the duties or skill sets of current staff.  

APTrust staff holds regular meetings of the technologists of all APTrust partners as well as Advisory and Board meetings as needed to complete all tasks associated with long-term preservation and management of the data object. There are several subgroups that interact with various experts across the APTrust partners. These experts include archivists, legal experts, technologists, curators, and preservation specialists – to name a few. UVA General Counsel reviews all legal documents relevant to APTrust.

Some activities are managed by local members with support from APTrust staff. APTrust staff provide training and ask for feedback with tool development as well as create documentation available on the wiki to assist members. They also are available to help one-on-one with members’ specific problems.

It is difficult to find data to compare staffing levels to industry benchmarks and standards because we maintain a higher level of transparency than other similar organizations, so there are currently few sources for comparison. If the Board decides that more staff is needed, it would be up to the Executive Director and the APTrust Board to determine how to fund.

APTrust staff are employees of the University of Virginia Library.  The APTrust Governance Manual states in Article One Section One that “the activities and operations of the APTrust are subject to the rules and policies of the University of Virginia.”  This applies to APTrust staffing.

University Library staff undergo a performance management review throughout each year, with goals and two mandatory meetings throughout the year to review job performance. Professional development needs should be discussed throughout the year as well as during the two job performance meetings. More information can be found on UVA’s performance management system page. 

In addition to the professional development benefits for all UVA staff, University Library creates two budgets every year, one for required travel and training, and one for employee-initiated travel and training.  Each Library staff member gets annual funding for employee-initiated travel and training.  In addition, the Library will pay for travel and training when participation by an APTrust staff member is required by Library administration or when training is essential for a staff member’s job to evolve skill sets as needed or to prepare them for additional assignments.

APTrust Orgs Chart