Evolving a Multi-Cloud Strategy for Preservation

April 22, 2024

At the Library of Congress Designing Storage Architectures meeting on April 15, 2024, Nathan Tallman and Flavia Ruffner from APTrust presented their evolving multi-cloud strategy for digital preservation. Tallman and Ruffner discussed APTrust’s transition from a server-based to a container-based architecture, leveraging cloud-native tools while maintaining flexibility to switch between Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) providers. A significant focus was on implementing Wasabi as a non-AWS storage option to enhance vendor diversity, detailing the technical adaptations necessary for integrating the S3 API and the lessons from a Wasabi proof-of-concept test. The presentation concluded with an emphasis on the need for standardized APIs across cloud services to facilitate multi-cloud strategies and mitigate vendor lock-in, calling for formal documentation of the S3 API by standards bodies.

The presentation is available online.

News, Presentations