In its quarterly telephone-based meeting on March 19, 2015, the Academic Preservation Trust Governing Board confirmed its mission:

The Academic Preservation Trust (APTrust) is an innovative consortium committed to the creation and management of a sustainable environment for the digital stewardship of academic and research content.

The mission statement was first drafted in the Spring of 2014 in planning sessions with consortial members.  The board affirmed that specific goals also drafted then for the organization continue to be valid.  Those goals are:


  • Achieve production status, accept content at scale, solidify technology infrastructure, and activate the Digital Preservation Network option.


  • Create business plan, define operating principles, develop governance documents.


  • Establish APTrust as a leader in the preservation ecosystem; define and implement active communication strategies.

In other business, the board authorized the UVA Library Dean and the APTrust Program Director to offer Sustaining Membership to a specific higher education institution.  That institution's name will be published upon completion of relevant discussions.

The board also authorized legal review of a deposit agreement draft and endorsed a proposed approach to meeting criteria as a trusted digital repository.

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