Sarah Michalak & Tyler Walters Elected to Board
The Board of Academic Preservation Trust is pleased to announce the election of two new Board members: Sarah Michalak, University Librarian and Associate Provost at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and Tyler Walters, Dean of University Libraries at Virginia Tech. Sarah will succeed Judi Nadler (University of Chicago) on July 1, 2014 and Tyler will begin his term on January 1, 2015 when Pat Steele steps down from the Board. Below are pictures and biographies of Sarah and Tyler.

Sarah C. Michalak is Associate Provost for University Libraries and University Librarian. Sarah came to the University of North Carolina from the University of Utah, where she served as director of the J. Willard Marriott Library for nine years. She has also worked at the University of California, Riverside and the University of Washington. Michalak served two terms on the ARL Board of Directors and as chair of the ARL Public Policies Steering Committee. She is the immediate past chair of the Board of Directors of the Center for Research Libraries. Two of her favorite projects were serving as the librarian lead on construction of the Allen Library at UW and hosting the North Carolina Literary Festival.

Tyler Walters is the Dean, University Libraries and Professor, Virginia Tech. He is the co-chair of the AAU / APLU / ARL SHARE Steering Group, which is working toward networking U.S. institutional repository efforts nationally and internationally. Walters also serves on many professional bodies such as the steering committee, Coalition of Networked Information (CNI), Board of Directors, DuraSpace; Board of Directors, National Information Standards Organization (NISO); program committee, International Digital Curation Conference; and editorial board, International Journal of Digital Curation. Walters is a founding member of the MetaArchive Cooperative, a digital preservation federation, and serves on the board of its management organization, the Educopia Institute. He teaches a graduate course in the University of Arizona’s Digital Information Management program.
Walters was the original principal investigator on the IMLS-funded GALILEO Knowledge Repository project, Georgia’s statewide repository service. He is the lead author of the 2011 ARL report, “New Roles for New Times: Digital Curation for Preservation” and recently completed a Ph.D. from Simmons College, Boston. His research focuses on changes in knowledge creation and production in research universities, organizational change, authentic and transformational leadership, and trust development in multi-institutional organizations involving libraries and archives.\r\n\r\n